Before beginning your online application for your Back To School Loan, please ensure that you have digital copies of the required documents to be uploaded with your application:
Required documents:
• Valid form of Identification (ID card, Passport or Driver’s licence)
• A current job letter and two recent payslips
• Proof of address (issued within the last 8 months)
• TIN Certificate
• Invoice/Quotation for Loan request (if applicable)
APPLY NOW! This Offer Ends September 16, 2022.
For the duration of Republic Bank’s Back to School Loan Campaign, the minimum repayment is one (1) month,and the maximum period of repayment is three (3) years. The maximum annual interest rate is 13% per annum.
We’re happy to assist you if you have any questions. WhatsApp us at 592 600 0087 and an Officer will contact you to help Light Up Your Christmas!