First Name*
Last Name*
Email Address*
Primary Number*
Business Name (if applicable)
IndustrySelect an IndustryAccountingAdvertising/Public RelationsAgricultureAttorneys/Law FirmsAuto DealersBars & RestaurantsBooks, Magazines & NewspapersConstructionCommunicationEducationFinance, Insurance & Real EstateFood & BeverageHealthHospitalityNon-ProfitOil & GasPublishing & PrintingReal Estate
How long has the business been operational?less than 2 years2 - 4 years5 yearsover 5 years
Is your business registered?YesNo
What type of business do you have?Sole-TraderPartnershipLimited LiabilityUnregistered
Do you have an existing bank account for your business?YesNo
Current Bankers (click as applicable)Republic Bank Ltd.RBCFirst Citizens BankScotiabankANSA Merchant BankJMMBOther
Have you maintained structured financial documents for your business for at least 2 years? (audited financials, balance sheets, cashflow statements, income & expenditure, management accounts)YesNo
Have you experienced a consistent increase in your annual sales over the past 2 years?YesNo
What were your annual sales like?less than $250K<$250K - $1.5M$1.5M – $10Mmore than $10M
Have you experienced a consistent increase in your profits over the past 2 years?YesNo
What were your annual profits like?less than $100K$100K - $500Kmore than $500K
What was you percentage increase in profits over the last two years?less than 10%more than 10%
If you were to acquire a loan, can you make at least 10% downpayment towards the loan?YesNo
Purpose for loanPlease select an optionDebt ConsolidationVehicle PurchaseMortgage/Property Related LoanOther
Tell us more about your request*
Amount requested*
Best time to contact you?*AMPM
Preferred Branch* Select your preferred branchArimaCentre CityCouvaSan JuanSangre GrandeTobagoTrincityTunapunaValparkDiego MartinEllerslie CourtInd Square/Promenade CentreLong Circular MallPark StreetTragarete RoadWest MallWoodbrookCipero StreetFyzabadGulf ViewHarris PromenadeHigh StreetMarabellaMayaroPenalPoint FortinPrinces TownRio ClaroSipariaSouth Park
Our commercial team will review and contact you within24 hours to complete the application process.
First Name
Last Name
Type of Mortgage
Type of MortgageResidential MortgageLand Loan
Republic Bank (Barbados) Limited (RBBB) acts as a data controller in respect of your personal data. We are responsible for ensuring that we use your personal data in compliance with the Barbados Data Protection Act 2019.
How we will use the information collected on this form:
to confirm your identity and address
to understand how you use your accounts
to carry out your instructions
to improve our products and services
to advertise our products and services to you and others
I hereby give my consent to Republic Bank (Barbados) Limited to process and use the personal data I have provided on this form for the purposes listed and understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time.
We’re happy to assist you if you have any questions. WhatsApp us at 592 600 0087 and an Officer will contact you to help Light Up Your Christmas!
Your name
Your email
Your message (optional)